
If you want more and value learning and growth, check out the monthly Membership Club Dave offers. From blog entries, audio recordings, video and much more, Dave will bring content directly to your device every month


Conflict Healer – Based on Dave’s 25+years’ experience and one of his books, “Use Conflict: Advance Your Winning Life” these membership and mastermind groups will cover concepts, tips, techniques, skills and more that relate to both personal and professional conflicts. Helping people overcome obstacles faster, with better results that build relationships can be possible with the correct skills. The focus on learning to be a better leader, conflict manager, professional and human being while capitalizing on emotional intelligence and our (hidden) innate skills to heal ourselves and others in and out of the workplace. The pursuit of happiness is open for all that are willing to do the work and Dave is here you on that journey!

Preparing for Robots – Calling all humans…in the next ten years we will see such massive changes society will look and operate far differently. Most are not paying attention to the facts and the research. 800 Million global jobs will disappear, 50% of people will be freelancing for work, industries will disappear (not just jobs), schools will be forced to change what they teach our kids and in reality…very few are paying attention. If you are one of the people that understands this digital tsunami sized baseball bat is going to crash the way everything gets done, join the Preparing for Robots movement where we look at the impact of all things digital on human beings. 60% of CEOs believe that Artificial Intelligence will drastically change the way we work and most agree that everyone is unprepared. It doesn’t have to be that way, join the conversation and be ready!

Dating and Relationships – Based on the research most married will be divorced, at least once. Based on Dave’s book, “Don’t Learn the Hard Way: Pre-Marriage Questions to Ask Before You Get Divorced (Again), Dave will lead the member and mastermind group participants on a journey to better personal, professional, social and dating relationships. If people want to be happy and find relationships that work for the long haul, the real work has to be done before (or with and while if already married) getting into relationships. A true, real, better understanding of yourself will be the difference in how you relate, react or respond to the craziness humans bring to relationships.


2019 is going to be a big year and if you are looking for an easy way to join “the club” with Dave Gerber leading the charge, subscribe to the monthly memberships and get so much value for your journey.  From powerful quotes, dynamic video clips, interesting blog articles, interviews from other experts, this low cost option is a great way to stay connected, benefit and level up faster!  Keep a lookout for more on the following three Membership Groups Dave Gerber is offering to help people in their personal and professional lives! will host these programs in 2019. Contact Dave directly to learn even

Conflict Healer

Preparing for Robots

Dating and Relationships

Mastermind Groups

 Believe in the power, happiness and success Dave Gerber can help you reach! Apply now! If you are looking to be a part of an authentic, profound and transformative LIVE small group that can help you level in and level up, this is the place, space and time! Dave Gerber has personally worked with, spoken to, trained, coached, facilitated and helped over 10,000 people of all kinds, from all backgrounds, from all levels within organizations.

To start, every two weeks this group will be hosted by Dave on a LIVE zoom call (taped for those who can’t be on it) and benefit from real world feedback, experience, gathered wisdom and the support of others that are taking these issues very seriously. This call will have pre-determined content to discuss along with a Question and Answer Session. Each call will be 60-90 minutes. You will also receive the monthly email which include powerful quotes, dynamic videos, interviews form other experts and more. Getting older is inevitable in many ways, growth is possible and optional. will host these programs in 2019. Contact Dave directly to learn more. The following Mastermind groups will be focused on:

Conflict Healer

Preparing for Robots

Dating and Relationships


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